- Compatibility with Joomla 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7
- Define a maximum email size (per mailing list)
- Senders of not forwarded emails can be notified automatically
- Assign users to mailing lists from Joomla's user manager (Profile Plugin)
- Assign users to mailing lists and groups from Mailster's user manager
- Pro edition: Send throttling per mailing list, define maximum emails per hour
- Pro edition: New Captcha for (un)subscribe forms with math riddle
- Email addresses are checked for errors upon CSV import and user creation/editing
- Performance optimization of the mail queue view
- Pagination for mails, queued mails and log entries views
- Pro edition: Increased recipient limit from 1000 to 5000
- Email addresses with quotes do not cause infinite loop during sending
- Unsubscribe links do not produce errors when opened
- Users without name can be imported and saved
- Eastern Europaen character set (ISO 8859-2) is correctly parsed
- Duplicate emails are avoided
- Deleted or edited users are immediately updated in the mailing list recipients list
- Log files can be written
- Fixed Internal threading
- Unsubscribing process indicates not subscribed email addresses
- Smart hide setting of unsubsribe form works as expected
- Added missing language strings
- Plugin execution is aborted during update/upgrade
- All tables are deleted upon uninstallation
- Fixed Javascript problems (editing mailing lists in French version)