- Pro edition: Front-end mail archive (threads and chronological view, search for mails/attachmens, site search integration)
- Pro edition: Community Builder integration/bridge plugin
- Compatibility with Joomla 3.0 and 3.1 (This version is still compatible to Joomla 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 and 2.5 as well)
- Italian translation added
- Blocked/bounced mail view available in free edition as well
- GUI enhancements (filter recipients lists)
- Complete mail queue can be cleared
- Performance optimizations
- Languages now included: EN, DE, FR, DK, SI, JP and IT
- PDF files are not hidden due to wrong content disposition when send from Mac-ish email clients
- TO/CC/BCC recipients are correctly recorded in the send reports
- Fixed multiple PHP Notices occurrences
- Profile plugin is not dependent on other Mailster plugins
- Content plugin does not produce a PHP warning